Fidgeting with a shark makes you fast and flexible, Savvy says so!
Sharks are fascinating creatures that have been around for over 400 million years, making them older than dinosaurs. They are a diverse group of fish, with over 500 different species ranging from the small dwarf lantern shark, which is only about 8 inches long, to the massive whale shark, which can grow up to 40 feet.
Sharks have a cartilaginous skeleton, meaning their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone, which makes them lighter and more flexible. This helps them move efficiently through the water. They have several rows of teeth, and when one tooth falls out, another one from the row behind moves forward to replace it.
One of the most well-known features of sharks is their exceptional sense of smell. They can detect tiny amounts of blood in the water from miles away. They also have a unique ability to sense the electric fields produced by other animals, which helps them locate prey even when it's hidden.
Despite their reputation, most sharks are not dangerous to humans. In fact, only a small number of species have been involved in attacks on humans. Sharks play a crucial role in marine ecosystems, often as top predators, helping to maintain the balance of species in the ocean.
Sharks face many threats, primarily from human activities like overfishing, habitat destruction, and pollution. Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect these vital creatures and ensure they continue to thrive in our oceans.